St. John's U.C.C. Community
Our church is participating in the Lehigh Conference of Churches’ fourth annual “On a Roll” toilet paper drive throughout the month of February.
Toilet paper is a basic necessity, but one that people facing financial hardships often struggle to afford — including families living paycheck to paycheck.
“Even something as simple as a roll of toilet paper can have a significant impact on someone’s life,” said Amarelis Rodriguez, community engagement coordinator at the conference of churches. “It’s a crucial item that many people may overlook. But for individuals and families in need, it makes a huge difference in their daily lives.
“Your support makes a direct difference in the community, helping people who are struggling with day-to-day expenses.”
This is the first year St. John’s is participating in this drive. Our help will be appreciated because the amount of donated toilet paper has been declining.
In 2022, the first year of the drive, the conference received 1,800 rolls. That dropped to 1,600 rolls in 2023 and down to just 800 rolls last year.
The need often surpasses what is collected, said Amarelis.
We have not set a specific goal for the people of St. John’s to contribute, but whatever we all give will help. We will post occasional updates on Facebook regarding how many rolls we collect during February.
“Every donation, big or small, helps us get closer to meeting the need,”’ said Amarelis. “We’re incredibly grateful for the generosity and kindness of those who contribute to this essential drive.”
Please bring packages of toilet paper to the church and place them in designated receptacles in the narthex on the main floor.
The toilet paper will be distributed to individuals and families in need throughout the Lehigh Valley by the conference’s housing department, Daybreak drop-in center and outreach team.
Other churches, businesses, organizations and individuals also are “On A Roll” to help make this year’s drive a success.
We are continuing our winter Blizzard Bags mission to help the homeless in February, as long as the congregation continues to support this annual mission with groceries and cash donations.
Same goes for our open-ended United Church of Christ mission to help wildfire victims in California.
In January, members of St. John’s missions committee purchased and delivered more than $300 worth of food and drinks to the Lehigh Conference of Churches, as well as two additional boxes of groceries brought to our church for this mission.
When major winter storms are in the forecast, LCC sends teams into local homeless camps to distribute bags of those emergency food supplies to help hundreds of people until LCC’s kitchen can reopen.
You can help our Blizzard Bags mission by donating cash or buying some of the needed food. Checks should be made out to St. John’s, but designated for LCC blizzard bags.
If you prefer, you can purchase needed items on the list below and bring them to designated receptacles in our church’s narthex.
For breakfasts, the LCC requests:
* Dry cereal
* Granola/Breakfast bars
* Fruit cups
* Dry milk pouches
* Instant coffee
* Bottled water
* Juice boxes
For lunches and dinners, it requests:
* Chicken/tuna packets
* Easy open soup cans
* Individual bags of chips
* Beef jerky
* Trail mix
* Fruit cups
* Oranges
* Wrapped pastries
* Candy bars
* Juice boxes
The UCC California wildfires appeal was issued soon after the initial fire ignited on Jan. 7 in Los Angeles County. The wind-swept fires that began that day have destroyed thousands of homes and other buildings, killed at least 28 people and forced tens of thousands to evacuate. The fires burned through about 40,000 acres in the Los Angeles area. Three of those fires were still burning on Jan. 28.
The donations you make through our church will support both immediate needs and long-term recovery efforts as the UCC’s Global HOPE teams work with local communities.
UCC promises that “100 percent of your donation will go directly to disaster relief efforts. Every gift matters.”
Please make checks payable to St. John’s, but designate them for “California Wildfires 2025.” Place your donations in the offering plates or send them to the church at 139 N. Fourth St., Emmaus, Pa. 18049.